About Cheryl Dalmer, CTHP
I am a Certified Therapeutic Harp Practitioner (International Harp Therapy Program 2019) trained to use musical intervals and modes, and their applications to healing. The harp has a rich history for healing as the timbre and vibration of the strings is known to impact our emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies.
As a Therapeutic Harp Practitioner, I can provide appropriate music for various therapeutic settings. Working in Memory Care Units, I have seen the power of music sooth an agitated person with Alzheimer’s, spark memories and engage the mind even in the disease’s later stages. Harp therapy for Alzheimer patients can be provided in a group session, or for individuals at bedside.
With my harp, and often my voice, I provide melodies and improvisations to meet the needs of patients and their families at times of healing, transition, or just compassionate and empathic music that reduces stress and produces relaxation. Hospitals, care centers and hospices have come to realize the harp music’s unique ability to heal and provide comfort to patients, families, medical staff and visitors. Scientific studies support the addition of therapeutic harp music as another healing modality that assists the healthcare team. Harp practitioners also understand the role of Intention even before they enter a patient’s room. Intention is the energy behind the sound being created. Intention is created in our hearts and minds before we start playing our harp for a patient. We recognize that each individual has their own Resonant tone, style of musical preference, mood, and their own rhythm. This all combines to provide a beautiful healing experience.

The International Harp Therapy Program is one of the accredited programs with the US
National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians (nsbtm.org)
Institute for Healing through Sound & Music – Therapeutic Music (therapeuticmusician.org)
Harp music program strikes a chord with St. Albert hospice, long-term care patients